

1 Leave a comment on paragraph 1 1 First of all, just playing with the posting process.  Second of all, demonstrating how I do my best thinking on the way home (and, to be honest, post ice cream).  I was struggling with identifying examples for “structure of feeling” in their emergent sense, but then I realized that the easy thing was to recognize them in their dominant, formalized stage and look for what was competing with that.  It occurred to me that in Stephen Crane’s “The Blue Hotel,” that I could characterize the conflict as resulting from the Swede not properly partaking of the encoded “structures of feeling” that the other men invite him to join: poker, drinking, and fighting.  His not joining correctly in these social observances might be guessed to antagonize the others to the point that they project their hostility toward him, which he, in turn, interprets as a real physical threat.

Source: https://985archive.queergeektheory.org/structures/